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At the Centre for Territorial Development, we believe that evidence and theory are inevitable preconditions for good decisions. That's why we produce trusted analysis and peer-reviewed research that is independent and free from powerful interests. Our innovative policy solutions and advice on urban and regional development are based on evidence and research, and are designed to help policymakers make better decisions.
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Odomknutie perspektívy Mestských Štúdií
v samosprávach na Slovensku
Cieľom tejto analýzy je
navrhnúť pilotný vzdelávací program pre navýšenie kapacít zamestnancov slovenských samospráv v
oblasti ‘Urban Studies‘ – Mestských Štúdií, so špecifickým zreteľom na koncept ‘Smart Cities‘ –
Inteligentných miest.
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